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Justice 4 All Legal Defense Fund was birthed from the idea that, with community, we can effect real change. Our organization is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit focused on four pillars: Access to Justice, Cannabis and Alternative Medicine, Environmental Justice, and Government Transparency. 


Access to Justice: Justice 4 All aims to effect positive change by helping those in the community who would not otherwise have access to the legal system to the extent needed to obtain proper representation in criminal or civil matters.


Cannabis and Alternative Medicine: Additionally, we have always been passionate about the cannabis industry in Oklahoma aiming to fight the OMMA and OBNDD as they continuously violate the rights of Oklahoma's small business owners in the cannabis space depriving them of Due Process along the way. We believe this is a travesty and that access to alternative medicinal treatment is a right of all Oklahomans. Since the overwhelming passage of SQ 788, We have fought for this industry and Justice 4 All is the next step in our continued fight. 


Environmental Justice: Oklahoma often finds itself beholden to special interest lobbyists who run rough shod over the citizens and their well being. If we want to leave a healthy future to our children, we must ensure that state regulators are held to account. These issues disproportionately impact poor and working class Oklahomans and we will be seeking key cases to ensure the future is bright for our next generation.


Government Transparency: Without transparency, we cannot be apprised of what our government is doing which effects all Oklahomans on a daily basis. The key to a healthy democracy is open and transparent government and the ability to vigorously debate the matters that change our daily lives. Our Local, State and Federal governments seem to have forgotten this and we have extensive experience holding their feet to the fire using tools like the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act and Oklahoma Open Records Act. It's past time that Oklahoma be accountable to its citizens and, with your help, we can make sure that happens. 

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